香港腦科基金會是一個非牟利慈善團體,創於1988年。本會的宗旨是關注腦部健康及疾病、促進相關科研、公眾教育及服務社會。過去本會曾舉辦多個專題講座和腦健康周/腦神經關注周、出版不同病人手冊、資助病人熱線服務等等。Hong Kong Brain Foundation (HKBF) is a charitable organization founded in 1988. We care about brain health and brain diseases, in addition to supporting related research projects, public education programs and social services.

HKBF has organized different seminars and Brain Awareness Weeks (BAWs), produced patient booklets and subsidized patient hotline services, etc.

– 推動公眾認識腦神經系統
– 支持本地臨床及科學研究
– 支援及資助病人互助組織


– To promote public awareness on the nervous system
– To support local clinical and scientific researches
– To support patient group

Our thinking process, memory, language and limb movement are all governed by our nervous system. Brain diseases can affect people of any age and gender.

頭痛臉癱瘓學習障礙腦癇症創傷、脊髓創傷、腦膜炎、多發性硬化症中風腦腫瘤柏金遜症認知障礙症 ……

與世界其他地區一樣,本港65歲或以上的長者人數將會愈來愈多。因此,一些老年人常患的腦神經系統疾病(例如:柏金遜症、認知障礙症等)也將隨之而大幅增加,並需要社會龐大的支援。中風是最常見的腦科疾病之一,每年有超過二萬五千人因中風而入院診治。中風不但在全港死亡率中排行第四,而且是老年人喪失生活 能力的主要原因。


Common Nervous System Disorders
Facial palsy
Learning disabilities
Head trauma
Spinal cord injury
Multiple sclerosis
Brain tumour
Parkinson’s disease
Dementia (Major neurocognitive disorder) etc.

Like many other parts of the world, Hong Kong is facing the challenges of an ageing population. Neurodegenerative diseases, for example Parkinson’s disease and dementia, are getting more prevalent. These diseases place huge burden to our healthcare system and our society. Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death and gives rise to more than 25,000 hospitalizations per year. It is also a major cause of disability among older individuals.

Nowadays, better preventive, diagnostic and treatment strategies have improved prognosis of many nervous system disorders. Despite the fact that some diseases are still incurable, there are a number of ways to improve patient quality of life and maintain their contribution to our society . Close collaboration among our scientists and healthcare professionals is the key to this success. However, we can’t do this alone. We do need your donation and support!
